Dermatology just like other fields of study has its various subfields. Some of these are Immunodermatology, cosmetic dermatology, derma pathology, pediatric dermatology and teledermatology. In any of these fields, dermatology specializes in various parts of a human being and various diseases affecting each part.
In cosmetic dermatology, dermatologists have been leaders in use of fillers, botox and laser surgery. A cosmetic dermatologist performs some cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, face-lifts and blepharoplasty. Cosmetic dermatologists limit their cosmetic expertise to minimal invasive procedures.
There are also those who specialize in derma pathology, which involves studying the skin at a microscopic level. They analyse various causes of skin diseases at a cellular level by recognizing their appearances, anatomic distribution and behavior. A dermatologist wanting to specialize in pathology completes one year of dermatology fellowship before proceeding for a pathology class, which takes six months.
Immunodermatology is also another field of dermatology and those specialized in it are known as immunodermatologists. It deals with treatment of immune-mediated diseases, which affect the skin such as lupus, bilious pempighoid, pempighus vulgarism and other skin disorders. Most immunodermatologists may have their own immunopathology labs.
Mohs surgery is also another field in dermatology that offers highest potential of skin cure, about 100%,even if it has been treated using other methods. The procedure of treating was developed by Dr Frederic E Mohs in the early 1930s, is known as CCPDMA processing, and is only done by qualified physicians in surgery and pathology. It involves excision of skin cancer using a sparing technique that allows 100% of intraoperative assessment of deep tumor and peripheral margins. They receive training on how to use CCPDMA procedure during dermatology residency or they may join American Society of Mohs Surgery or fellowship programs offered by American college of Mohs surgery.
Physicians can qualify to be pediatric dermatologists by simply completing a pediatric residency and a dermatology residency or simply by completing a post residency fellowship. They deal with complex diseases of the neonates, hereditary skin diseases, genodermatoses, or any difficulty affecting children. They evaluate and manage both common and uncommon coetaneous problems of children up to 18 years of age to prevent permanent cosmetic disability that is stressful.
A dermatologist can also specialize in Teledermatology where they study exchange of information through various kinds of media. They view widely the skin in order to establish corrective treatment methods for experts to treat people affected by chronic skin disorders. They can send some of their analysis to dermatologists online to enable them to give an appropriate feedback on how to treat them and incase some are critical, they call for an appointment with the patient.